【经】 collecting note
【经】 collection; proceeds; receipt
cashier's cheque
【经】 bank check; cashier's orders; official check; promissory notes
Shōu kuǎn běn piào
This is the Chinese Pinyin for "收款本票".
English Translation: Collection Note
English Pronunciation: kuh-lek-shuhn noht
This is the English translation and pronunciation for "收款本票".
English Usage:
Collection Note refers to a legal document that serves as a written promise to pay a certain amount of money to the designated holder. It is commonly used for financial transactions and debt obligations.
English Example Sentence:
"Please ensure that the payment is made by the due date as stated on the Collection Note."
English Synonyms:
- Promissory Note (本票 - běn piào)
This term can be used as a synonym for "收款本票".
English Antonyms:
- Payment Receipt (收款收据 - shōu kuǎn shōu jù)
This term is considered an antonym for "收款本票".
Word Frequency:
"Collection Note" is commonly used in financial and legal contexts, making it a frequently encountered term in professional settings.
(在金融和法律领域中,"Collection Note" 是使用频率较高的专业术语。)
I hope this information is helpful to you! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.