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【经】 auxiliary account; divided account



【计】 ADDIT; preemergency; SEC
【医】 aid


account; account book; canopy; credit; curtain; debt; veil
【经】 tally


辅助账(fǔ zhù zhàng)


Assisting accounts

Assisting accounts is a term used in accounting, which refers to the specific recording of certain accounts in subsidiary ledgers during the process of preparing general ledgers, in order to better understand the various specific circumstances under the account.



Usage of Assisting accounts

In accounting, assisting accounts are often used to keep track of detailed information under a specific account, such as accounts receivables and payables, inventory, and fixed assets.

English example sentences

Here are a few English example sentences:

  • Assisting accounts make it easier to monitor the financial health of a company.
  • The bookkeeper had to create an assisting account to keep track of the company’s inventory levels.

Synonyms of Assisting accounts

Here are some synonyms of assisting accounts:

  • Subsidiary accounts (子账)
  • Sub-ledgers (明细账)
  • Supplementary accounts (补充账)

Antonyms of Assisting accounts

As accounting terms often do not have antonyms, there are no specific antonyms for assisting accounts.

Frequency of use

Assisting accounts is a commonly used term in accounting and finance, both in English-speaking countries and in China. It is considered to be a fundamental concept in accounting, and is taught in introductory accounting classes.



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