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【医】 tunicae reflexa



【医】 reflection; reflexio; reflexion


film; membrane; theca; velamen; velum
【化】 membrane
【医】 coat; envelope; film; lemma; membranae membranae; membranae membrane
panniculus; theca; thecae; tunic; tunica; velamen; velamenta


反折膜(fǎn zhé mó)


英语解释翻译(English explanation and translation)

The translation of 反折膜 in English is "anti-reflection coating". It is a type of coating applied to optical surfaces such as lenses and mirrors to reduce reflection and improve transmission of light.

英文读音(English pronunciation)

The pronunciation of "anti-reflection coating" is: "an-tee ri-flek-shun ko-ting".

英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage of the word in English)

The term "anti-reflection coating" is commonly used in the field of optics and photonics to describe materials that are applied to surfaces to reduce reflection and improve clarity. It is often used in the manufacture of eyeglasses, camera lenses, and other optical devices.

英文例句(包含中文解释)(English example sentences)

1. The anti-reflection coating on my glasses makes a huge difference in how clearly I can see.(我的眼镜上的反光膜让我看东西更清晰了。)
2. The quality of a lens can be greatly improved with the application of an anti-reflection coating.(镜片的质量可以通过施加反光膜来大幅提升。)

英文近义词(包含中文解释)(Synonyms in English)

Synonyms in English for anti-reflection coating include: anti-glare coating, non-reflective coating, and anti-reflective treatment.(反光膜的英文近义词包括:防眩光膜、无反射涂层和抗反射处理。)

英文反义词(包含中文解释)(Antonyms in English)

Antonyms in English for anti-reflection coating include: reflective coating, glare coating, and mirror coating.(反光膜的英文反义词包括:反射涂层、眩光涂层和镜面涂层。)

英文单词常用度(Frequency of usage)

The term "anti-reflection coating" is widely used in the field of optics and photonics and is therefore considered a common term. It has a high frequency of usage in scientific and technical literature.(反光膜这个术语在光学和光子学领域中被广泛使用,因此被认为是一个常见的用语。在科学和技术文献中,其使用频率很高。)

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