【医】 cauliflower excrescence; condyloma acuminatum; fig wart; moist wartpointed condyloma; pointed wart; venereal verruca; venereal wart
verruca acuminata
edge; keenness【医】 acu-; oxy-
【医】 condyloma; moist wart; papilloma acuminatum; syphilomycesvenereum papilloma; verruca mollusciformis
尖锐湿疣 (Jiān ruì shī warts)
尖锐湿疣 (jiān ruì shī warts) 是一种由人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 导致的疾病,通常发生在男女性器官以及肛门周围区域,特征是外观类似于小颗粒,表面凸起但平滑。
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English name for 尖锐湿疣 (jiān ruì shī warts) is genital warts. It is a disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which usually occurs in the genital and anal area of both men and women. The warts can appear as small raised bumps that are smooth to the touch.
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation of 尖锐湿疣 (jiān ruì shī warts) is "jyen-rwey shee-warts". The emphasis is on the second syllable of each word.
英文的用法 (English Usage)
Genital warts is a medical condition that can be treated by a healthcare professional. It is recommended to see a doctor if you suspect you have genital warts.
英文例句 (English Example Sentences)
1. I have been diagnosed with genital warts and am receiving treatment from my doctor. (我被诊断为患有尖锐湿疣,并正在接受医生的治疗。)
2. It is important to take precautions to prevent contracting genital warts, such as using condoms during sexual activity. (采取预防措施避免感染尖锐湿疣非常重要,例如在性活动中使用安全套。)
英文近义词 (English Synonyms)
Other commonly used terms for genital warts include venereal warts, anogenital warts, and condylomata acuminate. (尖锐湿疣的其他常用术语包括性病疣、肛门生殖器疣和尖锐湿疣体。
英文反义词 (English Antonyms)
There are no clear antonyms for genital warts as it is a medical condition without a direct opposite. (尖锐湿疣没有明确的反义词,因为它是一种没有直接反义词的医学疾病。)
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency)
The term "genital warts" is used frequently in medical and sexual health conversations, but may not be commonly known by the general public. (术语 "genital warts" 在医学和性健康谈话中经常使用,但可能不为普通公众所知。)