hold captive; take captive
1.captivity 2.leadcaptive分词翻译:
alive; exactly; live; product; vivid; work【医】 vivi-
capture; catch; clutch; grasp; hold网络扩展解释
活捉 - Huózhuō
英语解释翻译 - English Definition and Translation
The English definition of 活捉 (Huózhuō) is "to capture live", typically used to describe the act of catching a target or capturing a wild animal.
英文读音 - English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation of 活捉 (Huózhuō) is approximately "hwow-jwo"
英文用法及解释 - English Usage and Explanation
In English, 活捉 (Huózhuō) can be used when describing the act of capturing something or someone alive. For example, "The police were able to successfully capture the fugitive live".
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
1. The team was able to actively capture the rare butterfly specimen.
2. The wildlife photographer wanted to capture the animal live for his latest project.
1. 这个小组能够积极地捕捉到珍稀的蝴蝶标本。
2. 这位野生动物摄影师想要活捉这只动物为他的最新项目做准备。
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
Some English synonyms for 活捉 (Huózhuō) include "capture alive", "trap alive", and "snare alive".
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
Some English antonyms for 活捉 (Huózhuō) include "release", "set free", and "let go".
英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency
活捉 (Huózhuō)是一个较为常规的中文词汇,在英语中使用较少。
活捉 (Huózhuō) is a relatively common Chinese word, but is not frequently used in English.