【医】 Sucquet-Hoyer canal
abstruse; profound
twin; two
【计】 binary-coded decimal; binary-coded decimal character code
binary-to-decimal conversion; binary-to-hexadecimal conversion
【医】 bi-; bis-; di-; duo-
family name; surname
be identical; coincide; dovetail; tally
【医】 anastomose; anastomosis; inosculate; inosculation
《苏-奥二氏吻合》(Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment)
苏-奥二氏吻合是口腔正畸学中常用的一种牙齿矫正方法。它是由苏格兰牙医苏靖和奥地利牙医奥斯汀首次提出并发展的。该方法的英文翻译为"Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment"。
英文解释翻译(English Translation)
Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment refers to a widely used dental alignment method in orthodontics. It was initially proposed and developed by Scottish dentist Su Jing and Austrian dentist Austin. In English, it is translated as "Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment".
英文读音(English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation of "Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment" is [ˈsuː ˈaʊ tʊ ˌdɪˌmenʃənˈælɪnˌmɛnt].
英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage in English)
In English, "Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment" is used to describe a particular dental alignment method used in orthodontics.
英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Example Sentences)
1. Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment is an effective technique for correcting tooth misalignment.(苏-奥二氏吻合是矫正牙齿错位的有效技术。)
2. The orthodontist recommended the Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment treatment for my dental condition.(牙医针对我的牙齿问题推荐了苏-奥二氏吻合治疗。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms)
Other synonymous terms for Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment include:
1. Su-Ao 2D alignment(苏-奥2D吻合)
2. Jing-Ao two-dimensional alignment(靖奥二氏吻合)
3. S-A 2D alignment(S-A 2D吻合)
英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms)
There are no specific antonyms for Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment in English.
英文单词常用度(Frequency of English Word)
The term "Suo-Ao two-dimensional alignment" is considered a technical term used in the field of orthodontics, therefore its frequency of use in everyday English conversation is relatively low.