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【计】 procedural learning



course; procedure; process
【计】 PROC
【化】 process
【医】 course; process
【经】 process


con; emulate; learn; learn about; learning; read; study
【计】 learning



过程学习,中文拼音 “guò chéng xué xí”,是指在学习的过程中不仅仅注重学习的结果,同时关注学习的过程。这种学习方式注重学习者的主动性、发现性、探究性、协作性等方面的培养,有助于提高学习效果和发展学习能力。


The English translation for “过程学习” is process-oriented learning. It refers to a learning style that emphasizes not only on the learning outcomes, but also on the learning process. This learning approach focuses on cultivating the learners’ initiative, discovery, inquiry, collaboration and other aspects, which helps to improve learning effectiveness and develop learning ability.


The English pronunciation of “process-oriented learning” is /ˈprɑːses ˈɔːrientɪd ˈlɜːrnɪŋ/.


The term “process-oriented learning” is usually used in the context of education and psychology. It is a pedagogical approach that values and supports the learning process of students, rather than just focusing on the end products of learning.


  • Process-oriented learning emphasizes the importance of learning by doing and experiencing.
  • Teachers who adopt a process-oriented learning approach often use open-ended tasks to encourage students to explore and discover.
  • Process-oriented learning is particularly suitable for subjects that require creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Process-oriented learning can contribute to the development of students’ metacognitive abilities and self-regulated learning skills.


  • Process-based learning: A learning approach that focuses on the process of learning, rather than the end outcome.
  • Experiential learning: A learning approach that emphasizes the value of hands-on experience and reflection.
  • Constructivist learning: A learning approach that emphasizes the importance of learners’ active construction of knowledge and meaning.


  • Outcome-oriented learning: A learning approach that focuses mainly on the end results of learning, rather than the process.
  • Teacher-centered learning: A learning approach in which the teacher is the central figure and controls the learning process.
  • Passive learning: A learning approach in which the learners are passive recipients of information.


Based on the data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), the frequency of the word “process-oriented learning” is quite low, with only 4 hits in the corpus. Alternative terms, such as “process-based learning” and “experiential learning,” are more commonly used. However, this might vary in different contexts and regions.

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