【医】 molecular rotation
克分子旋光的中文拼音为kè fēn zǐ xuán guāng,是一种物理现象,具体指光的偏振方向在穿过旋转性的物质时会发生旋转。
In English, 克分子旋光 can be translated to "circular dichroism". It refers to the phenomenon in which the polarization direction of light rotates when passing through a chiral material.
英文的读音为[sərˌkyələr dʌɪˈkroʊɪzəm]。
The English pronunciation is [sərˌkyələr dʌɪˈkroʊɪzəm].
In English, circular dichroism is mainly used in the fields of physics and chemistry for research and applications.
Some proteins can be distinguished from others by their difference in circular dichroism spectra. (一些蛋白质可以通过其旋光光谱的不同来区分。)
The circular dichroism of molecules can provide information about their three-dimensional structure. (分子的旋光性质能够提供有关它们三维结构的信息。)
英文中的近义词包括polarimetry(偏光法)、optical rotatory dispersion(旋光色散)等。
In English, synonyms for circular dichroism include polarimetry and optical rotatory dispersion.
英文中的反义词为linear dichroism(线偏光反吸收效应)。
The antonym of circular dichroism in English is linear dichroism.
在实际使用过程中,英文单词“circular dichroism”的常用度较高。
In practice, the English word "circular dichroism" is commonly used.