be acclaimed emperor
yellow【医】 flavo-
gown; robe加的英语翻译:
add; append; increase; plus; tot; tote【医】 add; adde; addition; admov.
body; life; one's conduct; oneself网络扩展解释
黄袍加身(huáng páo jiā shēn):戴上黄袍,成为皇帝。
Yellow robe added to oneself: become an emperor.
读音(dú yīn):英式音标 [ˈjeləʊ rəʊb ˈædɪd tə ˈwʌnsɛlf], 美式音标 [ˈjeloʊ roʊb ˈædɪd tə ˈwʌnself]。
Pronunciation: English phonetic symbols [ˈjeləʊ rəʊb ˈædɪd tə ˈwʌnsɛlf], American phonetic symbols [ˈjeloʊ roʊb ˈædɪd tə ˈwʌnself].
用法(yòng fǎ):表示成为非常重要的人物或地位显赫的人。
Usage: to indicate becoming a very important or high-ranking person.
例句(lì jù):他终于黄袍加身,成为了公司的CEO。
Example sentence: He finally became the CEO of the company, and his status was greatly improved.
近义词(jìn yì cí):登基(dēng jī)、即位(jí wèi)、即帝(jí dì)。
Synonyms: ascend to the throne, accede to the throne, become emperor.
反义词(fǎn yì cí):卸任(xiè rèn)、退位(tuì wèi)、辞职(cí zhí)。
Antonyms: resign, abdicate, step down from office.
单词常用度(dān cí cháng yòng dù):黄袍加身并不是常用词汇,大部分情况下用来进行比喻。在书面语体和正式场合下出现的机会较多,日常口语中较少出现。
Word frequency: "yellow robe added to oneself" is not a common term, and is mostly used metaphorically. It is more commonly used in written language and formal occasions, and rarely appears in daily spoken language.