corduroy; pantaloon; pants; trousers; unmentionable
1.britches 2.breeches 3.pantaloon 4.unmentionable 5.trouser 6.corduroy 7.inexpressible 8.trou 9.jean例句:
- 他把裤子往上拉起,然後坐下。He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.
- 你衬衫的後摆已经抻到裤子外边来了。The back of your shirt has worked out of your trousers.
- 他的外套和裤子不相配。His coat is not in keeping with the trousers.
- 这条裤子被改成了短裤。This pair of pants was converted into shorts.
- 这条裤子我穿太紧了。This pair of trousers is too tight for me.
- 我不想补你那条破裤子。I don't want to darn your trousers.
- 他穿着一条黑色裤子。He was dressed in a pair of black trousers.
- 他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.
pants; trousers子的英语翻译:
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裤子 - kù zi
Kù zi - Pants
Pants are a type of clothing that are typically worn on the lower half of the body and are secured around the waist with a belt or elastic band. They cover the legs, buttocks, and waist.
Duō yī sī - Do your business
Do your business
The expression "do your business" can be used politely to ask a friend if they need to use the restroom.
Yòngfǎ - Usage
Pants can be worn as casual or formal attire. They are typically considered appropriate for most occasions and settings, including work, school, and social events.
Lìjù shuōmíng - example sentences
Example sentences:
- 我今天穿了一条蓝色的裤子。 (I'm wearing blue pants today.)
- 她常常穿迷你裤掩饰她的身高。 (She often wears skinny pants to hide her height.)
- 他的裤子太松了,几乎掉下来了。 (His pants are too loose and almost fell down.)
Jìnjù yìcí - Synonyms
- Trousers - 长裤 (cháng kù)
- Jeans - 牛仔裤 (niú zǎi kù)
- Slacks - 裤子 (kù zi)
Fǎnyìcí - Antonyms
- Shorts - 短裤 (duǎn kù)
- Skirts - 裙子 (qún zi)
- Dresses - 连衣裙 (lián yī qún)
Cí yòng dù - Word frequency
The word "pants" has a high frequency of use in English, especially in American English. It is a common word used in everyday conversation and written communication.