【机】 finned tube
【机】 fin
canal; duct; fistula; guarantee; meatus; pipe; tube; wind instrument
【化】 pipe; tube
【医】 canal; canales; canalis; channel; duct; ductus; salpingo-; salpinx
syringo-; tuba; tube; tubi; tubing; tubo-; tubus; vas; vaso-; vessel
凸片管(Tu Pian Guan)
英语解释翻译(Translation in English)
The translation of 凸片管 in English is "flanged pipe".
英文读音(English Pronunciation)
The pronunciation of "flanged pipe" is [flændʒd paɪp].
英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage in English)
Flanged pipe is commonly used as a connector for transporting fluid or gas in industries.
英文例句(包含中文解释)(Example Sentences in English)
1. The flanged pipe provides a secure and leak-free connection between the two sections of the pipeline.(凸片管为管道的两个部分提供了安全无泄漏的连接。)
2. Make sure to tighten the bolts properly to ensure a tight seal on the flanged pipe.(确保正确拧紧螺栓,以确保凸片管的密封。)
英文近义词(包含中文解释)(Synonyms in English)
1. Flange connector - 凸缘连接器
2. Flanged joint - 凸缘接头
英文反义词(包含中文解释)(Antonyms in English)
Threaded pipe - 螺纹管
英文单词常用度(Frequency of Word Usage in English)
The term "flanged pipe" is commonly used in the engineering and industrial sectors, especially in discussions related to pipelines and fluid transport systems.