【计】 delete code
cutout; delete
alternate; complex; fault; wrong
【医】 allo-
【经】 miscount
code; yard
【计】 ASA code ASA
【经】 code; yard
删错码 (Shān cuò mǎ)
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The English translation of "删错码" is "typo" or "typing error". It refers to the act of accidentally deleting or incorrectly typing characters while writing or inputting text.
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation of "删错码" is "shān cuò mǎ".
英文的用法 (Usage in English)
In English, "typo" is commonly used to describe accidental mistakes made while typing or writing. It is used to refer to errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation resulting from typing or writing too quickly or carelessly.
英文例句 (English Examples)
1. I made a typo in my email address, so I never received the confirmation email. (我在我的电子邮件地址上打错了一个字母,所以我没收到确认邮件。)
2. Please apologize for any typos you may find in this report. (如果你在这份报告中发现任何打字错误,请道歉。)
英文近义词 (English Synonyms)
English synonyms for "typo" include "typing mistake", "clerical error", or "keyboard error". (英文近义词 "typo" 包括 "typing mistake", "clerical error" 或 "keyboard error")
英文反义词 (English Antonyms)
There is no specific antonym for "typo" in English. The opposite of making a typo would be to write or type something accurately. (在英文中没有删错码的具体反义词。删错码的反义词应该是准确地书写或打字.)
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency in English)
The word "typo" is commonly used in English writing and conversation, especially in informal contexts. (在英文书写和口语中,"typo" 这个词是常用的,特别是在非正式场合。)