【医】 pulvis seidlitzensis; Seidlitz powder; Seidlitz powders
contest; game; match; surpass德的英语翻译:
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benefit; favourable; profit; sharp粉的英语翻译:
pink; powder; white网络扩展解释
赛德利茨粉 - Sāidélìcì Fěn
英语解释翻译 - English Translation
The English translation for 赛德利茨粉 is "multigrain flour" or "mixed grain flour". It refers to a type of flour made from various grains, such as wheat, corn, and rice. This flour is commonly used in cooking and for making different types of noodles and dumplings.
英文读音 - Pronunciation
The pronunciation of 赛德利茨粉 in English is "Sāidélìcì Fěn".
英文的用法 - Usage in English
In English, multigrain flour or mixed grain flour is commonly used as an ingredient in various recipes. It provides a nutty flavor and a nutritious boost to baked goods, pasta, and other dishes. It is often used as a healthier alternative to refined white flour.
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
1. I prefer using multigrain flour for my bread recipe as it adds more texture and flavor. (我更喜欢用杂粮粉做面包,因为它增加了质地和味道。)
2. She made delicious dumplings using mixed grain flour. (她用杂粮粉做了美味的饺子。)
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
- Multigrain flour - Mixed grain flour - Whole grain flour - Grain blend flour (杂粮粉的英文近义词包括多种:多谷粉、杂粮粉、全谷粉、谷物混合粉。)
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
- White flour - Refined flour (杂粮粉的英文反义词包括两种:白面粉、精制面粉。)
英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency in English
The word frequency of "multigrain flour" or "mixed grain flour" is considered to be moderate in English language usage.
Hope you find the information helpful!