be down and out; destitution; impoverishment; indigence; misery; needinessprivation
end; limit; poor; thoroughly困的英语翻译:
be stranded; sleepy; surround; tired网络扩展解释
穷困(póng kùn):中文指人生活、物质财产等方面非常贫困、困境、拮据的状态。
The English translation for “穷困” is poverty or destitution. It refers to a state of extreme lack of resources, both material and financial, that leave individuals or families unable to meet their basic needs.
The pronunciation of poverty is “pov-er-tee” with the emphasis on the first syllable.
In English, poverty is used to describe a state of deprivation caused by the lack of access to basic resources and opportunities such as food, shelter, education, healthcare, and employment.
- Millions of people around the world live in poverty and struggle to make ends meet.
- Organizations like UNICEF and Oxfam work to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of those in need.
- The poverty rate in this country has been steadily increasing over the past decade.
- Indigence – extreme poverty
- Neediness – poverty or a lack of basic necessities
- Destitution – a state of extreme poverty and deprivation
- Impoverishment – a state of being poor or impoverishing
- Affluence – a state of having a great deal of money or wealth
- Abundance – a state of having a plentiful amount of resources or opportunities
- Prosperity – a state of being successful or thriving financially
- Wealth – a large amount of money or valuable possessions
The word poverty is a commonly used term in both written and spoken English, especially in discussions related to social welfare, economics, and global development. It is considered a relatively high-frequency word in English language corpora.