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beautiful; gorgeous





绮丽的 - qi3 li4 de5


英语解释翻译 - Definition & Translation in English

The English translation of “绮丽的” is: picturesque, ornate, gorgeous, and beautiful.

英文读音 - Pronunciation in English

The pronunciation of “qi3 li4 de5” in English is: /chee-lee-duh/

英文的用法 - Usage in English

The word “picturesque” is often used in English to describe a scene or view that is beautiful in a natural or artistic way. “Ornate” and “gorgeous” are used to describe something that is elaborately decorated or excessively beautiful.

英文例句 - Examples in English

1. The ballroom was decorated in a picturesque manner with flowing silk curtains and chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling.

2. The ornate design of the antique jewelry caught my eye immediately.

3. The gorgeous sunset painted a colorful background for the couple's wedding photoshoot.

英文近义词 - Synonyms in English

1. picturesque – scenic, pretty, attractive

2. ornate – decorative, embellished, fancy

3. gorgeous – stunning, magnificent, splendid

英文反义词 - Antonyms in English

1. dull – boring, plain, unattractive

2. plain – simple, ordinary, unadorned

3. ugly – unattractive, unsightly, hideous

英文单词常用度 - Frequency in English

The word “picturesque” is more commonly used in English compared to “ornate” and “gorgeous.” However, all three words are used frequently in literature and art-related contexts.



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