【法】 blot on title; cloud on title; defect in title
droit; fee; ownership; property; proprietary; proprietorship【经】 ownership; proprietary rights; proprietorship; single proprietorship
title of possession
flaw【电】 blemish; flaw
所有权的瑕疵 (suo3 you3 quan2 de5 xia2 xi1)
英语解释翻译 (English translation)
The translation of "所有权的瑕疵" in English is "defects in ownership".
英文读音 (English pronunciation)
suo you quan de xia xi (pronounced: swor-yoh choo-an duh shah shee)
英文的用法 (Usage in English)
"Defects in ownership" is used to describe any issues or flaws in the ownership of a property right.
英文例句 (English example sentences)
- In the legal opinion, it was noted that the property had several defects in ownership. (中文解释:在法律意见中,指出该财产存在多个所有权的瑕疵。)
- The buyer discovered a defect in ownership when conducting a title search. (中文解释:买方在进行产权调查时发现了一项所有权的瑕疵。)
英文近义词 (English synonyms)
- Ownership flaws (中文解释:所有权的缺陷)
- Deficiencies in ownership (中文解释:所有权的不足)
英文反义词 (English antonyms)
- Clear ownership (中文解释:清晰的所有权)
- Unblemished ownership (中文解释:完好无损的所有权)
英文单词常用度 (Frequency of the English word)
The term "defects in ownership" is commonly used in legal and real estate contexts, and its frequency of use is moderate.