【计】 mathematics statistics
a few; count; enumerate; fate; frequently; list; number; numeral; numericreckon; repeatedly; serveral
【计】 crossing number; N
【医】 number
【经】 number
manage; natural science; pay attention to; reason; texture; tidy up; truth统计的英语翻译:
【医】 statistics【经】 numerical statement; statistics
数理统计 (Shù Lǐ Tǒngjì)
数理统计 (Shù Lǐ Tǒngjì) is the Chinese pinyin for "mathematical statistics."
Pronunciation: Shoo Lee Tong-gee
用法 (Yòngfǎ): 数理统计 (Shù Lǐ Tǒngjì) 是应用数学方法研究数据收集、分析和解释的学科。
Usage: Mathematical statistics is a discipline that applies mathematical methods to study data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Example Sentence: 数理统计是研究随机现象的数学基础。
(Shù Lǐ Tǒngjì shì yánjiū suíjī xiànxiàng de shùxué jīchǔ.)
Translation: Mathematical statistics is the mathematical foundation for studying random phenomena.
Near Synonyms: 概率论 (Gàilǜlùn), 统计学 (Tǒngjìxué)
Near Synonyms Translation: Probability theory, Statistics
Antonyms: 数值分析 (Shùzhí Fēnxī)
Antonyms Translation: Numerical analysis
Word Frequency: 数理统计 (Shù Lǐ Tǒngjì) is moderately used in academic and scientific contexts.