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【医】 isocoria



pupil; the apple of one's eye
【医】 coro-; kore-; P; pupil; pupilla; pupillo-


class; grade; rank; wait; when
【机】 iso-


big; great; large
【医】 macro-; magnum; makro-; megalo-


瞳孔等大 (tóng kǒng děng dà)


英语解释翻译 (English translation)

The English translation for "瞳孔等大" is "pupils of the same size." The word "pupils" refers to the circular openings in the iris of the eye, and "of the same size" indicates that both eyes have equal pupil diameter.

英文读音 (English pronunciation)

The pronunciation of "pupils of the same size" in English is [ˈpjuːpəlz ʌv ðə seɪm saɪz].

英文的用法 (Usage in English)

In English, this phrase is often used to describe the equal size of pupils. It can be used in medical or ophthalmological contexts to assess the symmetry and health of a person's eyes.

英文例句 (English example sentences)

1. His pupils are of the same size, indicating no signs of neurological abnormalities. (他的瞳孔等大,表明没有神经异常的迹象。)
2. The doctor examined her eyes and confirmed that her pupils were of the same size. (医生检查了她的眼睛,确认她的瞳孔大小相同。)

英文近义词 (English synonyms)

Some synonyms for "pupils of the same size" include:

1. Equal-sized pupils (大小相等的瞳孔)
2. Symmetrical pupils (对称的瞳孔)

英文反义词 (English antonyms)

Some antonyms for "pupils of the same size" include:

1. Unequal-sized pupils (大小不等的瞳孔)
2. Asymmetrical pupils (不对称的瞳孔)

英文单词常用度 (Word frequency in English)

The phrase "pupils of the same size" is not commonly used in everyday English conversations. It is more often used in medical or ophthalmological discussions.

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