extensive; wide; width相关词条:
1.voluminousness 2.largeness 3.width分词翻译:
expand; extensive; numerous; vast; wide网络扩展解释
guǎng bó
English Translation: Wide and profound; extensive and profound
Pronunciation: gwahng boh
Usage: 广博 is often used to describe someone's knowledge or a subject that is broad and deep in scope.
Example Sentence: 他的知识非常广博,无论什么话题都能谈得头头是道。
English Translation: His knowledge is extremely wide and profound, and he can talk about any topic with great expertise.
Synonyms: 博学多才 (bó xué duō cái), 博古通今 (bó gǔ tōng jīn)
Antonyms: 浅薄 (qiǎn bó), 狭隘 (xiá ǎi)
Word Frequency: 广博 is a relatively common word in Chinese and is often used in academic or intellectual settings.