forswear【法】 forswear
swear; pledge; vow; take an oath
【法】 be sworn; on oath; pledgery; swear; swearing; take an oath
cast away; abandon; discard; forsake; give up; put away; slough off
throw over
【经】 jettison
发誓抛弃 - fā shì pāo qì
英语解释翻译 - English Translation
The English translation of 发誓抛弃 is "to swear off" or "to renounce."
英文读音 - English Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "to swear off" is /swɛr ɒf/ or /swɛr ɔf/.
英文的用法 - English Usage
"To swear off" is often used when someone wants to make a life change or break a bad habit. It can also refer to ending a relationship or rejecting someone/something entirely.
英文例句 - English Example Sentences
- After years of smoking, he finally swore off cigarettes.
- She swore off dating after a string of bad relationships.
- He swore off junk food and started eating healthier.
英文近义词 - English Synonyms
- give up
- abandon
- renounce
这些近义词也可以用来代替"to swear off"。
英文反义词 - English Antonyms
- indulge in
- embrace
这些反义词是"to swear off"的相反词。
英文单词常用度 - Word Frequency
根据Google Ngram Viewer的数据分析,在20世纪80年代后期,这个词组开始变得越来越普及,并一直保持了相对稳定的使用频率。
因此,尽管"to swear off"是一个相对较新的词组,但在目前的英文中它的使用率较高。