【计】 type of printer
【计】 printer; PRN; PRT
genre; run; stamp; style; type
【计】 type
【医】 Ty.; type
【经】 type
打印机(dǎ yìn jī)是指一种将电脑中的数据转移至纸张或其他载体上的设备。今天我们来了解一下不同的打印机类型(lèi xíng)。
喷墨打印机(jìn jī dǎ yìn jī)是指通过将液体喷墨于纸张上来打印出图像或文字的打印机。使用喷嘴将颜色喷在纸张上,制成高品质的照片或打印文件。使用广泛且价格低廉。
英语解释:Inkjet printer
英文读音:[ˈɪŋkˌdʒɛt ˈprɪntər]
英文用法:An inkjet printer is a type of computer printer that creates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper or plastic substrates. It is commonly used for printing documents or photos at home or in the office.
英文例句:I printed out the photos from my trip on my inkjet printer.(我用喷墨打印机打印出了旅行照片。)
英文近义词:Ink printer(喷墨打印机)
英文反义词:Laser printer(激光打印机)
激光打印机(jī guāng dǎ yìn jī)是一种将图像或文本打印到纸上的设备,它使用激光束将电荷转移到光敏感底片(又称“光敏鼓”),然后再将墨粉吹到底片上,最后将图像转移到纸上。它提供更快、更清晰的打印质量,适用于办公室和商业场所。
英语解释:Laser printer
英文读音:[ˈleɪzər ˈprɪntər]
英文用法:A laser printer is a type of printer that uses a laser beam to produce images or text on paper. It is faster and produces higher quality prints than many other types of printers, making it popular for use in businesses or offices.
英文例句:The report was printed out on the laser printer this morning.(这份报告是今天早上在激光打印机上打印出来的。)
英文近义词:Laserjet printer(激光打印机)
英文反义词:Inkjet printer(喷墨打印机)
点阵打印机(diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī)是打印机的一种类型,使用金属或塑料圆柱或球体,带有针脚,以形成像素。打印时,球体会滚动,将针脚按到带墨带上,形成点阵图案。较早的打印机,很少使用。
英语解释:Dot matrix printer
英文读音:[dɑt ˈmeɪtrɪks ˈprɪntər]
英文用法:A dot matrix printer is a type of printer that uses pins to form tiny dots on the surface of paper. It was one of the earliest types of printers, but is now used less frequently due to its low print quality and relatively slow printing speeds.
英文例句:They used a dot matrix printer to print the shipping labels.(他们用点阵打印机打印快递标签。)
英文近义词:Impact matrix printer(带针式打印机)
英文反义词:Inkjet printer(喷墨打印机)
热敏打印机(rè mǐn dǎ yìn jī)是指通过利用热敏纸张和加热头进行打印的打印机。在打印时,打印头加热显示所需的图像和文本,并将激发热敏纸张产生色素,从而形成印刷文本或图像。
英语解释:Thermal printer
英文读音:[ˈθɜrməl ˈprɪntər]
英文用法:A thermal printer is a type of printer that uses heat to create text and images on special heat-sensitive paper. The heated print head activates the chemicals in the paper, which then produce the desired image or text.
英文例句:The receipts were printed out on a thermal printer.(收据是用热敏打印机打印出来的。)
英文近义词:Thermal transfer printer(热转印打印机)
英文反义词:Laser printer(激光打印机)
针式打印机(zhēn shì dǎ yìn jī)是一种传统的打印机类型,使用针去刻出文字或图像。由于它们持久、可靠、成本低廉,所以仍然用于高强度的工业环境中。
英语解释:Dot matrix printer
英文读音:[ˈdɑt ˈmeɪtrɪks ˈprɪntər]
英文用法:A dot matrix printer is a type of printer that uses pins to form tiny dots on the surface of paper. It was one of the earliest types of printers, but is now used less frequently due to its low print quality and relatively slow printing speeds.
英文例句:They still use dot matrix printers in some factories.(一些工厂仍在使用点阵打印机。)
英文近义词:Impact matrix printer(带针式打印机)
英文反义词:Inkjet printer(喷墨打印机)