【电】 electronic heating
【化】 electron
【医】 e.; electron
fever; generate heat; glow; heat; pyrexia
【医】 calor febrilis; febricity; febrility; febris; fervescence; fever
fievre; fire; ignis; pyreto-; pyretogenesia; pyretogenesis; pyrexia
电子发热 - Diàn zǐ fārè
电子发热(Diàn zǐ fārè)可以被翻译为电加热、电热、电热发热等。它是一种利用电流通电后,材料内部产生热能的现象。通俗的讲,将电能转换为热能的一种现象。电子发热被广泛应用于暖风机、地暖、加热垫、加热衣等领域。
英文解释 - Electric heating
Electric heating refers to the process of using electricity to generate heat energy. It is a phenomenon in which heat energy is generated inside a material when an electric current flows through it. Electric heating is widely used in areas such as space heating, domestic water heating, industrial processes, and many others.
英文读音 - ɪ'lektrɪk 'hiːtɪŋ
英文用法 - Usage
Electric heating is widely used in various industries and living environments. It is very convenient and efficient, and has become an indispensable part of modern life.
英文例句 - Example sentences
- Electric heating is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to heat your home.
- The electric heating system is very easy to install and maintain.
- We use electric heating to dry the paint on our products quickly.
英文近义词 - Synonyms
- Electric radiant heating
- Electric convection heating
- Electric resistance heating
英文反义词 - Antonyms
- Passive heating
- Natural cooling
- Air conditioning
英文单词常用度 - Word frequency
Electric heating is a common term in many parts of the world, and its frequency of use is high. It is important to understand the concept and usage of electric heating in modern society.