【医】 Avicenna gland; Avicenna's glands
【医】 Avicenna; ibn Sina氏的英语翻译:
family name; surname腺的英语翻译:
gland【医】 aden-; adeno-; gland; glandula; glandulae; glandule
阿维森纳氏腺 (Adenoid)
阿维森纳氏腺,中文拼音为 ā wéi sēn nà shì xiàn。它是人体喉咙深处的一个组织,也是一个淋巴结。一般来说,它在人们成长到5到7岁时开始变小。如果这个腺体在成年人身体内仍然存在,可能会导致呼吸问题和吞咽困难。
英语解释翻译 (English Explanation)
The Adenoid is a tissue located in the back of the throat that resembles a gland. It is also a type of lymphatic tissue. Normally, it begins to shrink when a person reaches 5 to 7 years old. If it remains in the body of an adult, it can cause breathing issues and difficulty swallowing.
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The Adenoid is pronounced as "ad-uh-noid".
英文的用法 (English Usage)
The Adenoid is commonly used in medical terminology and usually referred to as 阿维森纳氏腺 in Chinese.
英文例句 (English Example Sentences)
1. The doctor suggested that the child's Adenoid should be removed to prevent further breathing problems.
2. The Adenoid is a part of the immune system that helps protect the body from infection.
英文近义词 (English Synonym)
There are a few synonyms for the Adenoid in English, which include pharyngeal tonsil and nasopharyngeal tonsil. In Chinese, they are called 咽扁桃体 and 鼻咽扁桃体, respectively.
英文反义词 (English Antonym)
There is no direct antonym for the Adenoid.
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency of Adenoid in English)
The word "Adenoid" is a relatively uncommon term in English and falls into the lower percentile range of word frequency.