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fringe; introduction; principium
【法】 opening


measure; step
【医】 measure



chū bù cuò shī

English Explanation: Preliminary measures

English Pronunciation: /prɪˈlɪmənəri ˈmɛʒərz/

English Usage: Refers to the actions taken at the beginning of a process to prepare for more significant measures.

English Example: The government is taking preliminary measures to prevent flooding in the low-lying areas.

English Synonyms: initial steps, preparatory measures

English Antonyms: final steps, concluding measures

English Word Frequency: This word is used moderately in both written and spoken English.


chū bù cuò shī de zhòng yào xìng

English Explanation: The importance of preliminary measures

English Pronunciation: /ði ɪmˈpɔrtəns əv prɪˈlɪmənəri ˈmɛʒərz/

English Usage: Refers to the significance of taking initial actions to prepare for more significant measures to achieve the desired outcomes.

English Example: The importance of preliminary measures cannot be underestimated when it comes to avoiding accidents.

English Synonyms: vital, essential, critical

English Antonyms: unimportant, insignificant, casual

English Word Frequency: This phrase is used moderately in both written and spoken English.


chū bù cuò shī de sì gè bù zhòu

English Explanation: The four steps of preliminary measures

English Pronunciation: /ðə fɔr stɛps əv prɪˈlɪmənəri ˈmɛʒərz/

English Usage: Refers to the four essential steps that must be taken to prepare for more significant measures.

English Example: The four steps of preliminary measures are planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, and they are critical to success.

English Synonyms: phases, stages, procedures

English Antonyms: irregular, random, disorderly

English Word Frequency: This phrase is used moderately in both written and spoken English.

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