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voice grievances



chime; ring; sing; ululate
【机】 ring


bad luck; enmity; injustice; wrong



Míng yuān


The term "Ming Yuan" refers to an ancient Chinese concept of avenging a wrongdoing or seeking justice for a wronged party. It is often associated with legal or moral disputes where a victim seeks redress from an offender. This concept has been a prominent theme in Chinese literature and culture since ancient times.


Ming Yuan (pronounced "ming-yoo-an")


The term "Ming Yuan" is used to describe the act or process of seeking justice or retribution for a wronged party. It can refer to legal proceedings, moral disputes, or personal vendettas. This concept is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history, and is often depicted in art, literature, and film.


1. He swore to Ming Yuan his father's death by bringing his killer to justice. (他发誓要为父亲的死亡复仇,将他的杀手绳之以法。)
2. The villagers turned to the local magistrate to help them Ming Yuan their land rights. (村民们向地方官员求助,帮助他们维护土地权益。)


1. seeking justice (寻求正义)
2. vengeance (报复)
3. retribution (惩罚)


1. forgiveness (宽恕)
2. reconciliation (和解)
3. mercy (仁慈)


The term "Ming Yuan" is a relatively uncommon term in English, and is primarily used in contexts related to Chinese culture, history, or literature. Its usage outside of these contexts may be limited to specialized fields such as law or philosophy.

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