carry out; footstep; shoe; walk on
- 我们可以不理会他而直接去找主席,但那样做我们就如履薄冰了。We could ignore him and go direct to the chairman, but we'd be skating on very thin ice.
- 总统申明美国履行对其欧洲盟国承担的义务。The President affirmed America's commitment to its transatlantic (ie European) allies.
- 在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes.
- 这个公司必须履行合同条款。The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation.
- 他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.
《履》的中文拼音是lǚ,英文解释翻译为“shoe, sole, to step on”, 读音为“luh”。
在英文中,“履”这个词主要用来描述鞋子或鞋底,例如“leather sole shoe”(皮底鞋)。
1. She kicked off her high-heeled shoes and slipped on a pair of comfortable loafers with rubber soles.(她踢掉高跟鞋,换了一双带有橡胶底的船鞋。)
2. The hiker's worn-out boots had holes in the soles and badly needed to be replaced.(这名徒步旅行者的破旧靴子鞋底上有洞,急需更换。)
1. footwear(鞋子)
2. sole(鞋底)
3. shoe(鞋子)
1. barefoot(赤脚)
2. sandal(凉鞋)
3. flip-flop(人字拖)