【法】 feigned case; moot case
artificial; fake; false; furlough; holiday; if; sham
【计】 F
【医】 pseud-; pseudo-
case; desk; file; law case; record; table
《假案》的中文拼音为 jiǎ àn,英语解释翻译为 "false case",读音为 [fɔls keɪs]。
"False case" 是一个常用的法律用语,通常用来指代一个虚假的或被捏造的案件或指控,其目的可能是欺诈、抹黑、掩盖真相等。
以下是几个使用 "false case" 的典型英文例句:
- A false case was brought against him for theft, but he was later found innocent.(他被捏造了一桩盗窃案,但后来证明他是无罪的。)
- The journalist was accused of fabricating a false case against a prominent politician.(这名记者被指控捏造了一件针对一位知名政治人物的假案。)
以下是几个与 "false case" 意思相近的英文词汇:
- Hoax (n.):欺诈,恶作剧。(例句:The whole thing turned out to be a hoax.)
- Fraud (n.):欺诈,诈骗。(例句:The businessman was charged with fraud for lying on his tax returns.)
- Deception (n.):欺骗,骗局。(例句:The magician's tricks were all based on deception and misdirection.)
以下是一个与 "false case" 意思相反的英文词汇:
- True case (n.):真实案件。(例句:The detectives had to sift through a lot of false leads before they found the true case.)
"False case" 是一个专业用语,常出现在法律、新闻报道等领域。在日常口语和非正式写作中比较少见。