【医】 siderophore
【电】 ferri
cell; matrix
【化】 cell
【医】 bioplast; cell; cella; cello-; cellula; cellulae; cellule; corpuscle
corpuscula; corpusculum; cyto-; kyto-; protoplast
含铁细胞的中文拼音为 “hán tiě xì bào”,是一种嗜铁的细胞。
According to the English explanation, the term “含铁细胞” translates to “iron-containing cells”. These cells have a strong affinity for iron and are involved in the transport and storage of iron in the body.
The English pronunciation of “含铁细胞” is “hahn-tyeh shee-bao”.
In English, the term “iron-containing cells” is commonly used to describe this type of cell. They play a crucial role in the body’s iron metabolism and are found in various tissues, including the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
The following is an example of a sentence that uses the term “iron-containing cells”:
Iron-containing cells in the liver are responsible for the storage and release of iron as needed by the body.
近义词 (Synonyms): iron-rich cells (铁丰富的细胞), ferruginous cells (含铁的细胞)
反义词 (Antonyms): iron-deficient cells (铁缺乏的细胞), non-iron-containing cells (不含铁的细胞)
英文单词常用度 (Word Frequency): The term “iron-containing cells” is not a commonly used phrase in everyday English; however, it is frequently used in medical and scientific contexts where the study of iron metabolism is necessary.