当前位置:乐沙网 > 汉英词典 > 航线的英语翻译,近义词、反义词、例句




course; flight course; line; route; sea route; skyway
【经】 passage; route; shipping route


1.route  2.flightcourse  3.line(unitoflength,=1/12inch)  4.skyway  5.seaway  6.airroute  7.searoute  8.flightline  9.airway  10.sailingcourse  11.courseline  12.routing  13.flightroute  14.routes  15.aircarrier  16.airlineindustry  


  1. 飞机更改了航线
    The plane altered course.
  2. 飞机没有沿通常的商业航线飞。
    The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.
  3. 横越 ... 的航道穿过(船)的航?em>颍较呋蚵废?
    Across the course, line, or length of.
  4. 同任何公路系统一样,联邦航空线路也有其主航线
    Like any highway system, the federal airways have their main trunk line.
  5. 飞机偏离了正常的航线
    The plane deviated from its usual route.



boat; navigate; ship


clue; line; string; stringy; thread; tie; verge; wire
【医】 line; line Of occlusion; linea; lineae; lineae poplitea; mito-; nemato-
soleal line; strand; thread
【经】 line



航线 (hángxiàn) 指定期定线、定点起止的飞行路线,在航空工业和航空管理方面较为常用。


Route refers to a predetermined flight path with scheduled stops, takeoff and landing points. It is commonly used in the aviation industry and aviation management.

The pronunciation of 'route' can vary depending on regional accents - it can either be pronounced as 'root' or 'rowt'.

The word 'route' can also be used in other contexts, such as a route on a map or a specific path one must follow.

例句 (Lìjù) / Example Sentences

1. Can you suggest a scenic route for our road trip? (你能否建议我们的公路旅行的风景线路?)

2. The airline has changed their route due to bad weather. (航空公司由于恶劣天气已更改其路线。)

3. The tour guide outlined the route we would be taking for the day's activities. (导游概述了我们在当天活动中要走的路线。)

近义词 (Jìnyìcí) / Synonyms

1. Path (路线) - Similar to route, refers to a specific course to follow

2. Trail (小径) - A path or track made through a wild or natural area

3. itinerary (行程) - A planned route with a list of scheduled stops in a certain order

反义词 (Fǎnyìcí) / Antonyms

1. Disorientation (迷失方向) - Refers to the state of being lost and not having a clear path or route to follow

2. Obstruction (障碍) - A physical barrier or obstacle that blocks or hinders progress along a route

单词常用度 (Dāncí chángyòng dù) / Word Frequency

'Route' is a fairly common word in English, ranked around 2,000th most frequently used word in the English language according to various online word frequency counters.

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