cut out; expunge
cutout; delete掉的英语翻译:
come off; drop; fall; lose; turn网络扩展解释
删掉 - shān diào - Delete
删掉 (shān diào) 是一个中文词汇,表示从计算机、手机或其他设备中删除某个文件或信息。
Delete is the English translation of 删掉 (shān diào), which means to remove a file or information from a computer, phone, or other device.
The pronunciation of "Delete" in English is /dɪˈliːt/.
In English, it is used to describe the action of removing or erasing something from a digital device.
例句 (lì jù) - Example sentence:
His friend asked him to delete this photo.
英文近义词 (yīng wén jìn yì cí) - Synonyms in English:
Remove, erase, eliminate
英文反义词 (yīng wén fǎn yì cí) - Antonyms in English:
Add, include, insert
英文单词常用度 (yīng wén dān cí cháng yòng dù) - Word frequency in English:
The word "delete" is commonly used in both spoken and written English.