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【法】 address in mitigation



ask for; beg; claim; desire; petition; pray for; request; solicit
【计】 C; request
【经】 application; demand; petition; request; solicit


commute a sentence; reduce a penalty
【法】 abatement from penalty; commutation; commutation of penalty
commutation of punishment; commutation of sentence; commute
commute a sentence; mitigation of punishment; reduce a penalty
remission of punishment


请求减刑(qiǔ qiáng jiǎn xíng)


英语解释翻译(yīng yǔ jiě shì fān yì)

The English translation for “请求减刑” can be "Application for Commutation of Sentence".

英文读音(yīng wén dú yīn)

In English, "请求减刑" is pronounced as “qiú qiáng jiǎn xíng”.

英文的用法(zhòng wén jiě shì yòng fǎ)

The phrase "Application for Commutation of Sentence" is commonly used in the legal system, especially when a defendant or convict submits a written request to a court for their sentence to be reduced.

英文例句(liè jù)

Example sentence: "The defendant's lawyer filed an application for commutation of sentence, requesting that the death penalty be changed to life imprisonment." (辩护律师为被告人提出了请求减刑的申请,要求将死刑改为无期徒刑。)

英文近义词(jìn yì cí)

Some synonyms for "Application for Commutation of Sentence" in English include "Petition for Commutation of Sentence", "Motion to Commute Sentence" and "Request for Reduced Penalty”.

英文反义词(fǎn yì cí)

There are no direct antonyms for "Application for Commutation of Sentence" in English.

英文单词常用度(dān cí cháng yòng dù)

The frequency of "Application for Commutation of Sentence" being used in everyday English is low. It is mostly used in a legal context.

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