【建】 crenilabrin
black; blue; blueness; green; green grass
essence; extractive; perfect; refined; skilled; spirit
【医】 anima
青鲈精斑 Pinyin: qing lu jing ban
英语解释翻译 English: The green crab roe
The term “青鲈精斑” refers to a specific part of the crab. It usually refers to the spots on the sides of the male crab's abdomen.
英文读音 Pronunciation: The grene crab raw
The pronunciation of “The green crab roe” is:
/ðə ɡriːn kræb roʊ/
英文的用法 Usage: Referring to the part of a male crab's abdomen with spots
The phrase “The green crab roe” is commonly used to refer to the spots on the sides of the male crab's abdomen.
英文例句 Examples:
- He picked out the delicious green crab roe from the crab.
- The green crab roe is considered a delicacy in some coastal regions of China.
英文近义词 Synonyms: The green crab ovary
The term “The green crab ovary” can be used as a synonym for “The green crab roe.”
在某些情况下,“The green crab ovary”可以作为“The green crab roe”的同义词。
英文反义词 Antonyms: None
There are no specific antonyms for this term.
英文单词常用度 Frequency: High
The term “The green crab roe” is commonly used in the seafood industry and in culinary settings.
“The green crab roe”这个词汇在海鲜行业和烹饪领域经常被使用。