【医】 bladder atonia
bladder; cyst; vesica
【医】 bladder; cyst-; cysti-; cystido-; cystis urinaria; cysto-; kysto-
urinary bladder; urocyst; urocystis; Ves.; vesica; vesica urinaria
atony; calm down; relax
【医】 atonia; atony; relax; relaxation
膀胱弛缓(Pangguang Chilan):
英语解释翻译(English Explanation and Translation):
The term “膀胱弛缓” in Chinese refers to the inability of bladder to completely contract and empty, leading to the symptom of residual urine. For many people, bladder relaxation is a serious burden that affects their daily lives and careers.
英文读音(English Pronunciation):
The pronunciation of "膀胱弛缓" in English is "Pang-guang Chi-lan".
英文的用法(Usage in English):
In English, "bladder relaxation" is commonly used to describe the inability of the bladder to completely contract leading to residual urine.
英文例句(English Example Sentences):
- "Bladder relaxation is a common condition that affects many people, especially as they age."
- "She was diagnosed with bladder relaxation, which made it difficult for her to control her urinary urges."
- "Patients with bladder relaxation often experience problems with urination and urinary tract infections."
英文近义词(English Synonyms):
- Urinary incontinence (尿失禁)
- Detrusor incompetence(膀胱排空不完全)
- Dysfunctional voiding(功能性障碍性排尿)
英文反义词(English Antonyms):
- Detrusor hyperreflexia(膀胱反射过度)
- Detrusor spasticity(膀胱痉挛)
- Detrusor instability(膀胱过度活动)
英文单词常用度(Word Frequency in English):
"Bladder relaxation" is a medical term and is not commonly used in everyday conversation. However, it is used frequently in medical journals and documentation.