【计】 partial program specification
【计】 partial program说明的英语翻译:
explain; narrate; account for; illustrate; make out; say; show; specify; statedirections; explanation
【计】 DCL; declaration; elucidata; explanatory notes
【化】 specification; specify
【经】 explanation; explanatory note; justification
1. 日期格式化
zhongwenpinyin: riqi ge shi hua
yingwenjieshi: Date formatting
yingwenduyin: deit for-mating
yingwenyongfa: 将日期从一种格式转化为另一种格式。
yingwenlijian: The process of converting a date from one format to another.
yingwenjinyin: jay-son of liting
yingwenjinyincisu: convert, change, transform
yingwenfanyicisu: maintain, keep
yingwendanceyongdu: ★★★★☆
2. 权限验证
zhongwenpinyin: quanxian yan zheng
yingwenjieshi: Authorization Verification
yingwenduyin: or-thuh-rai-zey-shun ver-uh-fi-key-shun
yingwenyongfa: 检查用户是否具有执行特定操作的权限。
yingwenlijian: Checking if a user has the permission to perform a specific action.
yingwenjinyin: uh-thuh-rai-zey-shun ver-uh-fi-key-shun
yingwenjinyincisu: authenticate, validate, confirm
yingwenfanyicisu: reject, deny, forbid
yingwendanceyongdu: ★★★★★
3. 图片上传
zhongwenpinyin: tupian shang chuan
yingwenjieshi: Image Upload
yingwenduyin: ih-mij uh-plohd
yingwenyongfa: 将图片从本地计算机上传到远程服务器。
yingwenlijian: Uploading an image from a local computer to a remote server.
yingwenjinyin: ih-mij uh-plohd
yingwenjinyincisu: move, transmit, transfer
yingwenfanyicisu: download, extract, remove
yingwendanceyongdu: ★★★★★☆
4. 密码加密
zhongwenpinyin: mima jia mi
yingwenjieshi: Password Encryption
yingwenduyin: pass-ward in-krip-shun
yingwenyongfa: 将明文密码转化为加密字符串,提高密码的安全性。
yingwenlijian: Converting plain-text passwords to encrypted strings to enhance password security.
yingwenjinyin: pass-ward in-krip-shun
yingwenjinyincisu: protect, secure, safeguard
yingwenfanyicisu: expose, weaken, endanger
yingwendanceyongdu: ★★★★★★
5. 数据库备份
zhongwenpinyin: shuju ku bei fen
英文解释:Database Backup
yingwenduyin: deyt-uh-beys
英文例句:We recommend performing a regular database backup to ensure your data is safe.
英文近义词:Data Backup,Database Recovery
英文反义词:Data Loss,Database Corruption
6. 日志记录
zhongwenpinyin: rizhi ji lu
英文解释:Log Recording
yingwenduyin: laughk re-kaw-ding
英文例句:We keep a log of all actions taken on our system for security purposes.
英文近义词:Event Logging,Audit Trail
英文反义词:No Logging,Data Privacy
7. 安全验证
zhongwenpinyin: anquan yan zheng
英文解释:Security Verification
yingwenduyin: si-kyoor-uh-tee ver-uh-fi-key-shun
英文例句:All users must undergo security verification before accessing sensitive information on our network.
英文近义词:Authentication,Access Control
英文反义词:No Verification,Data Breach