embryo【医】 gemmule; germ; pangen; plumula; plumule
1.plumule 2.plantule 3.stembud 4.plantlet 5.germ 6.embryobud 7.embryonicbud 8.gemmule 9.germinalbud 10.pangen 11.pangene例句:
- 外胚乳包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.
embryo【医】 blasto-; embryo; embryon; germ
bud; burgeon; gemma; shoot; sprout【医】 blasto-; bud; gemma
“胚芽”是一个中文词汇,拼音为“pēi yá”,意为“在种子内孕育出的小芽,即生命的起点”。
The English translation of “胚芽” is “embryo” which refers to “the starting point of life, a small shoot that is nurtured inside a seed”.
The pronunciation of “embryo” is as follows: /ˈɛm.bri.əʊ/.
In English, “embryo” is mostly used in biology, medicine, and reproductive health. It can also be used metaphorically to mean something that is in its early stages of development.
Example Sentences
- She is eight weeks pregnant and her embryo is starting to grow.
- The scientist observed the embryo under the microscope.
- The idea for his invention was just an embryo in his mind when he was in college.
Some synonyms of “embryo” are:
- Fetus – 胎儿
- Seedling – 秧苗
- Germ – 胚芽
- Incipient – 萌芽的
Some antonyms of “embryo” are:
- Mature – 成熟的
- Developed – 发展成熟的
- Grown – 生长完毕的
Word Frequency
According to Google Books Ngram Viewer, the use of “embryo” has been steadily increasing since the early 19th century and has been a commonly used word in English since the 1960s.
Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand the meaning, usage, and pronunciation of the word “embryo” in English.