【电】 random superimposed coding
adapt to; along with; follow; let机的英语翻译:
chance; crucial point; engine; machine; occasion; organic; pivot; planeflexible
【医】 machine
【电】 superimposed coding网络扩展解释
随机重叠编码 (Sui Ji Chong Die Bian Ma)
Random Linear Code
随机重叠编码在英文中通常被翻译为Random Linear Code。它是一种常见的编码方法,用于提高数据传输的可靠性。通过随机线性组合子块,可以实现数据的冗余和差错纠正。
[ˈrændəm] [ˈlaɪniər] [koʊd]
Random Linear Code的英文发音为 [ˈrændəm] [ˈlaɪniər] [koʊd]。
Usage in English
In English, Random Linear Code is a commonly used encoding method to enhance the reliability of data transmission. It achieves this by randomly combining subblocks to introduce redundancy and error correction.
Example Sentences
1. Random linear codes are widely used in wireless communication systems. (随机重叠编码广泛应用于无线通信系统中。)
2. The use of random linear code significantly improves the error correction capability. (使用随机重叠编码显著提高了纠错能力。)
1. Stochastic Overlapping Coding (随机重叠编码) - This term emphasizes the random nature of the coding process.
2. Probability-Enhanced Coding (概率增强编码) - This term highlights the probabilistic nature of the coding scheme.
1. Deterministic Coding (确定性编码) - This term refers to coding methods that do not involve randomness.
2. Fixed Code (固定编码) - This term denotes coding schemes with predetermined codes.
Frequency of Use
Random Linear Code is a commonly used term in the field of communication engineering and is well-known among professionals in the industry.