【计】 post mortem report
calculate; reckon; count; in the end; include; let it go; plan; consider
after; back; behind; offspring; queen
【医】 meta-; post-; retro-
【法】 inspection report
算后检查报告 (suan hou jiancha baogao)
英语解释翻译 (English Translation)
The translation of "算后检查报告" in English is "after-action review report".
英文读音 (English Pronunciation)
The English pronunciation of "after-action review report" is: /ˈɑːftərˈækʃən rɪˈvjuː rɪˈpɔːrt/.
英文的用法 (English Usage)
"After-action review report" is commonly used in professional and organizational settings to evaluate the outcomes of a specific task or project. It helps identify areas of improvement and provides recommendations for future actions.
英文例句 (English Example Sentences)
1. The team conducted an after-action review report to assess the success of their marketing campaign. (这个团队进行了一次算后检查报告,评估他们的市场营销活动的成功程度。)
2. The military regularly conducts after-action review reports to analyze the effectiveness of their operations. (军方定期进行算后检查报告,以分析他们行动的有效性。)
英文近义词 (English Synonyms)
1. Post-event evaluation report
2. Post-activity analysis report
英文反义词 (English Antonyms)
1. Pre-action planning report
2. Pre-event assessment report
英文单词常用度 (English Word Frequency)
The frequency of the words used to refer to "after-action review report" varies depending on the context and industry. However, in professional settings, it is a commonly used term and has a moderate frequency of usage.