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【计】 digital time series analysis



digit; figure; number; numeral; numeric
【计】 DIG; digital; number; numeral; numerical sort
【医】 figure
【经】 digit; figure; number


【经】 analysis of time series


h2《数字时间序列分析》 p数字时间序列分析(shù zì shí jiān xù liè fēn xī)是一种研究时间序列数据的方法。它通过利用统计模型和计算方法来分析和预测一系列按时间顺序排列的数据。 pTime series analysis is the study of analyzing and predicting a series of data points arranged in chronological order, using statistical models and computational methods. p[yǐng yīng jiě shì fān yì] The English translation of "数字时间序列分析" is "Digital Time Series Analysis". p[1.jiē yín lǎn yīn lǎn] The English pronunciation of "数字时间序列分析" is "shoo tzuh shun lee-ay fan-sse". pIn English, "数字时间序列分析" can be explained as the analysis of numerical data points arranged in chronological order, using statistical methods and computational algorithms. pThere are many practical applications for time series analysis, such as predicting stock prices, weather forecasting, and economic forecasting. p[liè jù] Example sentence in English: Time series analysis can help businesses forecast future sales based on past sales data. (时间序列分析可以帮助企业根据过去的销售数据来预测未来的销售情况。) p[jìn yì cí] Synonyms in English: temporal data analysis (时间数据分析), sequential data analysis (顺序数据分析) p[fǎn yì cí] Antonyms in English: cross-sectional data analysis (横断面数据分析), non-sequential data analysis (非顺序数据分析) p[1.cháng yòng dù] The term "时间序列分析" is commonly used in English-speaking academic and professional circles.

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