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【建】 conveyer volume meter



carry; convey; feeding; transportation
【电】 feed; xsmn


capability; capacitance; capacity; size; volume
【计】 CAP; capacity
【化】 capacity; holding capacity
【医】 capacity; volume
【经】 capacity measure; cubic measure


idea; plan; calculate; count; meter; stratagem
【医】 meter


输送容量计 (Shūsòng Róngliàng Jì)


英语解释翻译 (English Translation)

The English translation for "输送容量计" is "flow meter" or "flow rate meter". It refers to an instrument used to measure the flow capacity of a substance, liquid, or gas through a pipeline or channel within a specific period of time. It typically consists of sensors, a counter, and a display screen.

英文读音 (English Pronunciation)

"flow meter" 或 "flow rate meter"的读音为 [floʊ miːtər] 或者 [floʊ reɪt miːtər]。

英文的用法 (English Usage)

In English, flow meters are widely used in various industries and applications such as water supply systems, oil and gas pipelines, manufacturing processes, and environmental monitoring. They provide crucial data for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing the flow of substances.

英文例句 (English Example Sentences)

1. The flow meter measures the amount of water passing through the pipe.


2. Flow meters are essential for accurately gauging gas consumption in industrial processes.


英文近义词 (English Synonyms)

Some synonyms for "flow meter" or "flow rate meter" include:

1. Flow gauge


2. Flow sensor


3. Flow indicator


英文反义词 (English Antonyms)

There are no antonyms specifically associated with "flow meter" or "flow rate meter".

(对于 "流量计" 或 "流量计量器",没有特定的反义词。)

英文单词常用度 (English Word Frequency)

根据英语语料库数据,"flow meter" 是一个相对常见的词汇,其在工程技术和科学领域经常被使用。

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