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【医】 orthopneic



sit up


atman; breath; breathe; breathing; respiration; respire; wind
【化】 respiration
【医】 anapnea; breath; breathing; pneo-; pneuma-; pneumato-; pneumo-
pneusometer; R.; respiration; respire; spiro-


端坐呼吸的 Zhuan-Zuo-Hu-Xi-De


英语解释翻译 English Translation

The English translation of "端坐呼吸的" is "sit and breathe". This traditional Chinese wellness practice focuses on finding relaxation and inner peace through proper breathing and posture.

英文读音 English Pronunciation

The pronunciation of "sit and breathe" in English is /sɪt/ and /briːð/.

英文的用法 English Usage

"Sit and breathe" is a wellness practice that involves sitting in a relaxed yet upright position and focusing on proper breathing techniques. It is often used in meditation, yoga, and other mind-body practices.

英文例句 English Sentences

-I started practicing sit and breathe techniques a few weeks ago and have noticed a greater sense of calm in my daily life.

-Sit and breathe meditation can be helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

英文近义词 English Synonyms


英文反义词 English Antonyms


英文单词常用度 English Word Frequency

"Sit and breathe" is not a very common term in everyday English usage. It is primarily used within the wellness and mindfulness communities.

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