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【电】 moisture resistance



Adam's ale; Adam's wine; liquid; water
【化】 water
【医】 a.; Aq.; aqua; aquae; eau; hydr-; hydro-; hydrogen monoxide; water
【经】 water


block; hinder; obstruct
【医】 lock


水阻 (Shuǐ zǔ) Water resistance 水阻 (Shuǐ zǔ) 是指在水中运动时所受到的阻力。它是指水对物体运动的影响力。 Water resistance refers to the resistance encountered when moving through water. It describes the influence of water on the movement of objects. 英语解释翻译 (Yīngyǔ jiěshì fānyì) English translation and explanation Water resistance 主要是用来描述物体在水中运动时所受到的阻力。 Water resistance is mainly used to describe the resistance encountered when an object moves through water. 英文读音 (Yīngwén dúyīn) English pronunciation Water resistance [ˈwɔːtər rɪˈzɪstəns] 英文的用法 (Yīngwén de yòngfǎ) Usage in English 在英语中,常用于描述物体在水中运动时所受到的阻力。例如:游泳过程中,你会感受到水阻的作用。 In English, it is commonly used to describe the resistance encountered when an object moves through water. For example, during swimming, you can feel the water resistance. 英文例句 (Yīngwén lìjù) Example sentences in English 1. The swimmer faced a lot of water resistance during the race. (这个游泳者在比赛中面对了很大的水阻。) 2. The boat's streamlined design helps reduce water resistance. (这艘船的流线型设计有助于减少水阻。) 英文近义词 (Yīngwén jìnyìcí) Synonyms in English - Aquatic resistance (水体阻力) - Fluid resistance (流体阻力) 英文反义词 (Yīngwén fǎnyìcí) Antonyms in English - Efficiency in water (水中效率) - Water mobility (水中流动性) 英文单词常用度 (Yīngwén dāncí chángyòng dù) Term frequency in English Water resistance is a commonly used term in the field of swimming, boating, and engineering, therefore, it is considered to have a higher frequency of usage in English.

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