fasten; pin; tie
1.pin 2.hitch例句:
- 我们把马拴在桩上,走进了客栈。I hung up my horse and walked into the inn.
- 把狗放开,它已被拴了几个钟头了。Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.
- 他在被狗咬了两次之后,要我们把狗拴起来,不然就不给我们送信。After being bitten twice, he lets us tie the dog, and otherwise just does not send letter for us.
《拴》的中文拼音是 shuān。
《拴》在英语中的解释翻译是 "to tie; to fasten; to leash; to tether"
《拴》的英文读音是 "shuān"。
在英文中, "to tie; to fasten; to leash; to tether" 表示了《拴》的用法。
- Please make sure to tightly tether your dog when you go for a walk. (请确保遛狗时牢固拴好牵引绳。)
- He used a rope to fasten the gate. (他用一根绳子把门拴住了。)
- Tie (系结; 系紧; 绑)
- Fasten (系住; 扣紧)
- Leash (系绳子; 拴住)
- Tether (拴系; 系住; 栓住)
- Unfasten (松开; 解开)
- Untie (解开; 解开...的结)
- Unleash (解开; 释放)
根据语料库分析, "to tie; to fasten; to leash; to tether" 这些词在英文中的常用度较高。