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income and expenses
【经】 expenses and receipts; incoming and outgoings
receipts and disbursements; revenue snd expenditure


1.revenueandexpenditure  2.incomeandexpenses  3.expensesandreceipts  


  1. 公司的帐目收支不平衡。
    The company accounts did not balance.
  2. 如果他们拒绝收支票,我们将不得不付现金。
    If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash.
  3. 这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?
    Do the firm's accounts balance?



accept; control; draw in; harvest; income; recieve; stop; take in
【医】 aaduction; adduct


branch; pay; prop up; protrude; raise
【医】 branch; clan; rami; ramus


小标题:收支(Shōuzhī) 正文:p 收支(Shōuzhī)是指个人或组织在一定时间内所接收和支出的资金或财务情况。在日常生活和商业活动中,收支是一项重要的管理和规划工作。 英语解释翻译:p The term "收支" can be translated into English as "income and expenses" or "revenue and expenditure". It refers to the financial transactions or situation of receiving and spending money or funds within a certain period of time. Managing and planning income and expenses is crucial in daily life and business activities. 英文读音:p In English, "收支" can be pronounced as "shōu zhī" using the Pinyin system. 英文的用法:p In English, when referring to the income and expenses of individuals or organizations, we commonly use phrases such as "income and expenses", "revenue and expenditure", or simply "financial transactions". 英文例句:p 1. My monthly income and expenses are carefully tracked to ensure financial stability.(我的月收入和支出被仔细追踪以确保财务稳定。) 2. The company's revenue and expenditure report shows a healthy financial situation.(该公司的财务收支报告显示了良好的财务状况。) 英文近义词:p - Balance: refers to the overall amount of money one has after subtracting expenses from income.(平衡:指在从收入中减去支出后剩余的总金额。) - Finances: refers to the overall financial situation including income, expenses, savings, and investments.(财务:指包括收入、支出、储蓄和投资在内的整体财务状况。) 英文反义词:p - Deficit: refers to a situation where expenses exceed income.(赤字:指支出超过收入的情况。) - Surplus: refers to a situation where income exceeds expenses.(盈余:指收入超过支出的情况。) 英文单词常用度:p 收支 (income and expenses) is a commonly used term in English, especially in financial and business contexts. It is important for individuals and organizations to have a clear understanding of their income and expenses for effective financial planning and management.



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