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consideration; tolerance; degree; limit; linear measure; surmise; estimate
【计】 degrees; k.w.h.
【化】 dimension; kilowatt hour
【医】 Deg.; degree
【经】 degree


1.tolerance  2.time  3.step  4.gradation  5.magnanimity  6.dimension  7.limit(upordown)  8.occasion  9.pass  10.spend  11.surmise  12.grade  13.gon  14.degreeoftannage  15.Degrees  16.groovedepth  


  1. 这个浪荡子开始后悔他虚了光阴。
    The vagabond began to regret his waste of time.
  2. 小时是时间的一个量单位。
    An hour is a measure of time.
  3. 不要虚时光。
    Don't loiter your time away.
  4. 随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态?em>取?
    As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
  5. 她用功的程是我的三倍。
    She studies three times as hard as I.
  6. 他用功的程是我的三倍还不止。
    He studies more than three times as hard as I.
  7. 水在摄氏零结冰。
    Water freezes at 0 Celsius degree.
  8. 不要虚光阴。
    Don't dream away your time.





「度」的英文读音是 /duː/。



例如:The temperature has reached forty degrees Celsius.(温度已经达到了40度摄氏)


例如:We need to determine the degree of contamination in the water.(我们需要确定水中的污染程度)


1. The intensity of his anger reached a dangerous degree.(他的愤怒程度已经达到危险的程度了)

2. She has a high degree of fluency in multiple languages.(她精通多种语言)

3. The doctor assessed the degree of severity in the patient's condition.(医生评估了病人病情的严重程度)


1. Level(水平)

2. Extent(范围)

3. Measure(测量)

4. Amount(数量)

5. Degree of intensity(强度程度)


1. Limitation(限制)

2. Restraint(限制)

3. Cessation(终止)


「度」作为一个通用词汇,非常常见的用法包括:temperature degree(温度), angle degree(角度), academic degree(学位)等等,是一个非常基础的英语词汇。

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