【经】 income policy
accrual; earnings; income; lucre; proceeds; profit; win
【经】 adjusted gross income; degression; earnings; gains; income
revenue income; yield
【经】 policy
收益政策 (Shōuyì Zhèngcè)
英语解释翻译 (Yīngyǔ Jiěshì Fānyì)
The translation of "收益政策" in English is "Profit Policy" or "Revenue Policy". It refers to the system and regulations established by a country or organization regarding profits or income. It usually involves profit distribution, taxation policies, social security, labor rights, and other aspects.
英文读音 (Yīngwén Dúyīn)
The pronunciation of "Profit Policy" is [prɒfɪt ˈpɒləsi] in English.
英文的用法 (Zhèngcè Yòngfǎ)
In English, "Profit Policy" is commonly used to describe the rules and regulations related to profit and revenue management in a country or organization. It refers to the guidelines followed to distribute profits, determine taxation policies, provide social security measures, protect labor rights, and more.
英文例句 (Yīngwén Lìjù)
1. The company's profit policy ensures fair distribution of earnings among employees. (这家公司的收益政策确保了员工之间的公平分配。)
2. The government is implementing a new revenue policy to attract foreign investments. (政府正在实施一项新的收益政策以吸引外国投资。)
英文近义词 (Yīngwén Jìnyìcí)
1. Gain Policy: refers to the regulations governing profit and wealth management. 2. Income Policy: focuses on the rules and measures related to income distribution. 3. Earnings Policy: emphasizes the guidelines followed for determining and distributing earnings.
英文反义词 (Yīngwén Fǎnyìcí)
1. Loss Policy: describes the rules and regulations concerning losses and how to mitigate them. 2. Cost Policy: refers to the guidelines followed for managing and controlling costs rather than focusing on profit generation.
英文单词常用度 (Yīngwén Dāncí Chángyòng Dù)
The term "Profit Policy" is commonly used in academic and business contexts. It is not a frequently used phrase in everyday conversations, but is widely understood by English speakers in relevant fields.