【经】 ex gratia payment
all; authority; connect; general; go to; notify; open; through; understandwhole
【医】 make; per-
be in harmony; blend; fuse; melt; thaw支付的英语翻译:
brass; defray; disburse; pay【经】 disburse; disbursement; disbursements; paying; payment; settle
通融支付(tongrong zhifu),是指在特定条件下,通过一定的方式和时间对金额进行灵活处理和分期偿还的支付方式。
English Translation
The English translation for "通融支付" is "Flexible Payment".
English Pronunciation
The English pronunciation for "Flexible Payment" is /'flɛksəbəl 'peɪmənt/.
Usage in English
In English, "Flexible Payment" refers to a payment method where the amount can be handled flexibly and repaid in installments under specific conditions and within a certain timeframe.
English Example Sentences
1. I cannot afford to pay for the entire purchase at once, so I will opt for flexible payment.
2. Flexible payment options are available for customers who meet the eligibility criteria.
English Synonyms
Alternative terms for "Flexible Payment" include "Installment Payment", "Deferred Payment", and "Payment Plan".
("Flexible Payment"的替代术语包括"Installment Payment"、"Deferred Payment"和"Payment Plan"。)
English Antonyms
An antonym for "Flexible Payment" is "Full Payment".
("Flexible Payment"的反义词是"Full Payment"。)
Word Frequency in English
The term "Flexible Payment" is commonly used and has a high frequency in English language usage.
("Flexible Payment"这个词在英语中使用频率较高。)