【经】 look into a problem
examine; inspect; investigate; look into; probe; search; survey
【医】 inquisition; investigation; survey
【经】 escalation; inquiry; investigate; investigation; probe; survey
【机】 project
调查研究问题 (diào chá yán jiū wèn tí)
英语解释翻译 (yīng yǔ jiě shì fān yì)
The English translation for "调查研究问题" is "research question" or "investigative question".
英文读音 (yīng wén dú yīn)
In English, it is pronounced as "ree-serch kwes-chuhn" or "in-ves-ti-gey-tiv kwes-chuhn".
英文的用法 (zhōng wén jiě shì)
In English, a research question refers to a specific question or problem that a researcher aims to investigate or explore in their study. It serves as the foundation for the research and guides the entire research process.
英文例句 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
1. "What are the effects of exercise on mental health?" - This is an example of a research question, which aims to explore the relationship between exercise and mental well-being. (“运动对心理健康的影响是什么?”)
2. "How does social media usage affect adolescents' self-esteem?" - This research question focuses on investigating the impact of social media on the self-esteem of teenagers. (“社交媒体的使用对青少年的自尊有何影响?”)
英文近义词 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
Synonyms for research question in English include:
1. Inquiry ("探究" or "研究")
2. Problem statement ("问题陈述" or "问题表述")
3. Research query ("研究询问" or "研究问题")
英文反义词 (bāo hán zhōng wén jiě shì)
Antonyms for research question in English could be:
1. Answer ("答案")
2. Solution ("解决方案")
3. Conclusion ("结论")
英文单词常用度 (zhōng wén jiě shì)
The term "research question" is commonly used in academic and research contexts, both in spoken and written English.