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flee for one's life


  1. 当火山爆发时,村民们赶紧逃命
    As the volcano erupted, the villagers fled for lives.
  2. 我放了两枪,他们便拼命地逃命
    I fired two shots and they ran for their lives.



dodge; escapable; escape; evade; flee


assign; fate; life; order


逃命(táo mìng)

逃命是一个汉语词汇,拼音为“táo mìng”,在英语中的解释翻译为“escape”或者“run for one's life”。这个词可以用于描述人们为了生命安全而迅速逃离危险地点或场合。

英语解释翻译(English Translation)

The English translation for 逃命 is "escape" or "run for one's life". It can be used to describe the act of quickly leaving a dangerous place or situation in order to ensure one's own safety.

英文读音(English Pronunciation)

The pronunciation of "escape" in English is /ɪˈskeɪp/ and "run for one's life" is pronounced as /rʌn fɔːr wʌnz laɪf/.

英文的用法(中文解释)(Usage in English)

In English, "escape" can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the act of getting away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation. As a verb, it means to succeed in avoiding something dangerous or unpleasant.

英文例句(包含中文解释)(English Example Sentences)

1. He managed to escape from the burning building. (他设法逃离了起火的建筑物。)
2. The prisoner tried to run for his life when the guards weren't looking. (囚犯在看守不注意时试图逃命。)

英文近义词(包含中文解释)(English Synonyms)

1. Flee - to run away quickly from a dangerous or frightening situation. (逃跑,迅速离开危险或恐怖的情况。)
2. Escapee - a person who has escaped, especially from prison. (逃犯,特指从监狱逃脱的人。)

英文反义词(包含中文解释)(English Antonyms)

1. Stay - to remain in a particular place, position, or situation. (停留,保持特定的位置或状态。)
2. Surrender - to stop fighting and admit defeat. (投降,停止抵抗并承认失败。)

英文单词常用度(Commonness of English Words)

"Escape" is a commonly used word in the English language, with a high frequency of usage in both spoken and written English.

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