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【计】 divergence
【化】 degree of dispersion; dispersity
【医】 dispersity



disperse; distract from; scatter; deconcentration; dispersal; dissipation
【计】 disassembling; disperse
【化】 break-up; dispersion
【医】 disgregation; dispersion; divergence; fraction
【经】 diversification


consideration; tolerance; degree; limit; linear measure; surmise; estimate
【计】 degrees; k.w.h.
【化】 dimension; kilowatt hour
【医】 Deg.; degree
【经】 degree



分散度(pinyin: fēn sàn dù)是指某些数据、信号或集合中各个项之间的差异或差别的度量。分散度是数据分布的无偏度量。在概率统计学中,分散度是一项基本的测量指标,可用于描述概率分布。


The English translation of "分散度" could be dispersion or variance. Dispersion refers to the variability or spread of data around the mean value, while variance is a measure of how much the data deviates from the average.


The English pronunciation of "分散度" is "fēn sàn dù". The word "dispersion" is pronounced as "dih-spur-zhun", while "variance" is pronounced as "vair-ee-uhns".


In English, dispersion and variance are commonly used in statistics and probability theory to describe the spread of data. For instance, a low dispersion indicates that data points are tightly clustered around the mean, while a high dispersion implies that the data points are more widely scattered. Similarly, a low variance suggests that the data is bunched closely around the mean, while a large variance signals that the data is widely dispersed from the mean.


Example sentences using dispersion:

  • The stock market showed a high degree of dispersion, with some stocks surging while others fell sharply.
  • The dispersion of manufacturing industries across different regions has created a diverse economic landscape.
  • The dispersion of pollutants in the air can cause severe health hazards.

Example sentences using variance:

  • The variance in test scores indicated that some students had a deep understanding of the material, while others struggled to grasp the concepts.
  • The variance in the performance of different departments reflected differences in leadership, resources, and organizational culture.
  • The variance in the prices of goods and services reflected differences in supply and demand across different markets.


Some synonyms for dispersion include variability, scatter, spread, range, and deviation. Synonyms for variance include standard deviation and mean square deviation.


Antonyms for dispersion include concentration, clustering, and proximity. Antonyms for variance include uniformity, consistency, and homogeneity.


According to the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), the frequency of occurrence of "dispersion" is 0.3 per million words, while "variance" appears 1.7 times per million words. This suggests that "variance" is a more commonly used term in English than "dispersion".

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