【电】 symbolic addressing
denotation; insignia; mark; note; sign; symbol; tittle; type
【计】 glyph; S; SYM; symbol
【医】 notation; symbol
【经】 symbols
【电】 addressing
符号定址(fú hào dìng zhǐ)是指在程序的编译过程中,为程序中的函数、变量等符号分配内存地址的过程。
Symbol addressing is the process of assigning memory addresses to symbols in a program, such as functions and variables, during the compilation process.
Yīn wén dú yīn: /ˈsɪmbəl/ /ˈædrɛsɪŋ/
英文的用法 (yīn wén de yòng fǎ): Symbol addressing is an essential aspect of compiling a program, as it determines how the program will access and manipulate memory during runtime.
英文例句 (yīng wén lì jù): The compiler uses symbol addressing to create an executable file from the source code, which then runs on the target platform.(编译器使用符号定址将源代码生成可执行文件,然后在目标平台上运行。)
英文近义词 (yīng wén jìn yì cí): Symbol mapping
英文反义词 (yīng wén fǎn yì cí): Literal addressing
英文单词常用度 (yīng wén dān cí cháng yòng dù): Symbol addressing is a frequently used term in the field of computer science and programming, and is commonly encountered during discussions of compilers and memory management.